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DFC Notices

The Groundwater Management Area 9 (GMA-9), includes all or part of 9 counties in the Texas Hill Country, was established in 2002. The Texas Water Development Board created 16 Groundwater Management Areas across Texas, each with a number of groundwater conservation districts (GCDs) included in their boundaries.  

GMA-9 - 2021 Explanatory Report for Desired Future Conditions for Major and Minor Aquifers

Just click on the boxes to download the documents included in the GMA-9 Explanatory Report (ER) which outlines the desired future conditions for the major and minor aquifers in the GMA.


The button below is a link to the official GMA-9 Resolution:


Adopting the Groundwater Management Area 9 Joint Planning Committee's Proposed Classification of Locally Managed Aquifers as Non-Relevant for Joint Planning Purposes and the Desired Future Conditions for Relevant Major and Minor Aquifers in GMA 9, and authorizing the GMA 9 Chairman to formally submit them and all other required information to the TWDB.

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